Proyectos Fondecyt en el Parque Katalapi

Proyectos Fondecyt en el Parque Katalapi

2003-2006   Comparative study of ecophysiological mechanisms involved in the plasticity of Nothofagus dombeyi and N. nitida (Luis Corcuera).

2005-2007  Physiological characteristics of Proteaceae that explain their ability to colonize various habitats in the Chilean temperate rainforest (Miren Alberdi).

2007-2010  The transition from shade tolerance to canopy emerging species in Nothofagus nitida:                              ontogenetic changes and effect of quality and quantity of light (Luis Corcuera).

2009-2011  Desiccation tolerance in epiphytic species of the Hymenophylaceae Family (Pteridophyta) from the temperate rain forest of Southern Chile: is this physiological mechanism determinant of their distribution and abundance (León Bravo).

2011-2014   Effect of acclimation to moderate water stress and high irradiance on crown architecture,               photosynthesis, growth, and survival of seedlings of Eucryphia cordifolia (Ulmo) in open planting sites (Luis Corcuera).

2012-2014 The link between functional traits and species coexistence in the Chilean forest (Alex Fajardo)

2012-2014 Role of frond curling and tissues associated to the rachis and veins in desiccation tolerance of filmy ferns (Hymenophyllaceae) (León Bravo)

2016-2018 Gene regulatory networks and gene network modules underlying desiccation tolerance of         filmy ferns with contrasting vertical niche preferences (Enrique Ostria)

2016-2019 Tree hight as a crucial trait that explains species distribution (Alex Fajardo)

2017-2019 Monito del monte occurrence and mistletoe genetic diversity in contrasting habitats: predicting the outcome of ecological interactions” (Francisco Fortunbel)

2018-2021  “Importance of different sources of water and nutrients for a family of epiphytic desiccation tolerant ferns” (Alejandra Flores Bavestrello). Fondecyt ´postdoctoral N°3180585

2022-2025  “Effect of environmental heterogeneity and size on the functional role of multiple ramets during resource capture and translocation within a woody genet.“.  (Antonio Bartolomé Escandón, investigador responsable). Proyecto FONDECYT de psotdoctorado N° 3220691


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